
A mug with a desert scene of cacti and other plants.

My parents brought me this mug from one of their excursions to the American southwest. Unfortunately, the dishwasher has worn away the image (this is the less damaged side).

They went a few times to New Mexico and Arizona in their retirement. Whenever I use this mug I think of them. They went in winter – Mom enjoyed the break from the cold as she was definitely not a winter person. My dad, a fellow wildflower enthusiast, enjoyed exploring a novel flora. In fact (unless he corrects me), he would try to time their trips to coincide with the flush of spring flowers in the desert.

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2 responses to “Mugshot”

  1. Waldy Derksen Avatar
    Waldy Derksen

    You need to for sure follow in the footsteps of your recent ancestors and head on down to New Mexico, a uniquely diverse American destination*.

    It’s the kind of place where you can get up in a coffee shop and say confidently, without fear of getting shot, “I’m a communist** from Canada and I believe in cacti, dishwashers, and being rough with painted mugs. I love smelling wildflowers in the springtime desert and I don’t care what you think about the T-shirt I’m wearing”.

    You can then sit back down and continue eating the rest of your poppy seed muffin, which (though definitely a ”leftist” food product) is still completely legal in New Mexico.


    **to be clear, I am not suggesting here that you are in fact a communist

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    1. Chris Avatar

      Be assured that I have added this course of action to my bucket list as it meets the minimum criteria for inclusion on said list:

      1) Includes both a reference AND a footnote, and
      2) Encourages uninvited outbursts of political affiliation and personal sentiment, and (most importantly)
      3) Recommends non sequiturs of defiant fashion statements

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