I got this mug as a gift from my brother, who picked it up at the Mennonite Heritage Village. The fancy script and heraldry suggest a regal Friesen lineage. A search of the internet finds several different versions of a Friesen coat of arms, though most have the knight helmet and include a good amount of red.
Speaking of family lineage, I made bread this morning using the recipe passed down to me from my mom, who in turn received it from my dad’s mom. The scent brings me back to childhood and sneaking pinches of dough from the counter while mom was kneading. I don’t know if my dough ball was sufficiently ‘smooth and satiny’, but the bread sure smells and tastes good!

My mom gave each of her children a binder of recipes she frequently used while we were growing up. The various cookies we always had a Christmas, this bread, and of course the world’s best butter tart recipe! Each recipe is filled with memories and associations. It is a culinary legacy that continues to nourish her family.
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